Mobile Credentials - Safetrust
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The Future Of Identity Is Here
Safetrust makes your mobile device even more powerful by allowing you into your building, Network Logon, secure email, and messaging, by eliminating your old school access cards and usernames/passwords.

No matter where your users are or what device they are using, our identity and access management system is here to make users safe and productive - anytime, anywhere. Our IoT enabled mobile credentials for buildings and information systems can secure millions of companies around the globe, with implementation simple and safe for everyday people.

Safetrust Integrated Covers
A Safetrust Integrated Cover is a durable plastic casing which contains embedded SABRE DECAL technology. When installed to it’s compatible host reader, the cover acts as a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to RFID gateway module that allows an existing building access reader to communicate securely with a mobile device. Installation is as simple as clipping the Integrated Cover onto the existing door reader, requiring no special tools and no system down-time.

The SABRE USB is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to CCID reader module that enables virtual credentials stored in a mobile device to be used within Windows, MAC, and Linux platforms. When plugged directly into any spare USB port in a computer, the SABRE USB enables a mobile device to be used for tap-in/ tap-out authentication with configurable activation ranges for auto-authenticating and disconnection.

The SABRE INLINE is a combination Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) reader with access controller management capabilities. By presenting a virtual credential within the SABRE activation range, authorized users can inject user data from their mobile device into existing legacy reader wires. The SABRE INLINE provides mobile access upgrades for existing proximity and smartcard building reader systems.

The SABRE RELAY is a combination Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) reader with access controller management capabilities. By presenting a virtual credential within the SABRE activation range, authorized users can trigger the onboard relay from their mobile device. The SABRE RELAY provides mobility for parking garages, remote buildings and single door offices, all within seconds from the Safetrust Wallet application.